Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I haven't updated since the 3 hour glucose test. I started off rough. It took them 7 times to find a vein to get blood. What a pain that was, but in the end, I passed it!!! Thank God! After the 2nd hour, I was back down to a normal blood sugar, so I am very happy. Everything else has been going well. Jim put the crib together a couple weeks ago and I LOVE it and love him for taking the 5 hours to put it together :) We should be receiving the dresser soon, and he is going to put that together as well.

I have been back to Chicago for a few weeks now. Getting things wrapped up with work before I head back to TN on 9/14. We are having a baby shower on 9/13. We are so excited! I am anxious to get back to TN to spend a few weeks with Jim before Baby K makes his/her grand entrance! Plus, I can't wait to get everything ready for the baby.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ultrasound and Glucose Test and more

Last week, Jim and I met my new doctor down here in TN. What a great guy he was! He spent about a 1/2 hour with us answering any questions we had. We also got to see this little miracle again. Here is Baby K at 28 weeks.
I also had my glucose test this past Monday, and I didn't pass it, so I have to go on Saturday for the 3 hour test. I have not heard many good things about this, but I am thinking positive. I am hoping that I pass this one.
I am leaving on Sunday to go back to Chicago for a month. We have our shower on Sept 13, and then Jim and I are driving back on Sept 14, and then I will be down here until Christmas :) We are preparing things for the baby. The crib should be arriving any day now and hopefully we can get it setup before I have to leave, if not, Jim will put it together by the time I get back.
Jim has started classes, and said that this year is going to be very busy! They start board reviews soon. Other than that, everything else is going well, and we are just waiting for the arrival of Baby K.