Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

This was the 1st Mother's Day that we have all been together as a family.  With me working and with medical something has always come up so we were never all together.  This year I figured the same thing would happen, but Jim had an unexpected day off!  It was wonderful.  Jim let me sleep in which was wonderful!  While I was sleeping he had both kids downstairs making me a card.  Samantha was so proud of it.  Samantha traced all the letters on the card and help Jim cut out the hands & feet.  She was so excited!  I was very impressed with Jim's creativity in this.  We had a very relaxing day and got a lot of little things done around the house.  I love my kids to death!  There are days they drive me crazy, but I wouldn't change anything for the world!  I love that fact that I can be a stay at home mom and share moments with Samantha & Nicholas.  Thank you Jim for allowing me to be home with the kids and enjoying all of these moments with the kids!

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