Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So our plans have changed once again thanks to LMU-DCOM. At the last minute, Jim's ER Core rotaion at Morristown-Hamblen Hospital fell through. So Jim had to find a new rotation ASAP. Luckily, the school was letting him pick where he wanted to do it and he found out that St. James in Olympia Fields, IL, which is like 25 minutes from where our parents live, has not one student rotating during that time! It was like God telling us this is where you need to be!! This is also Jim's #1 spot for residency! Therefore, since we now have to move back to Chicago a month early, I had to fly down one way and get the entire house packed up! It has been a crazy week! Also, my parents are wonderful and offered to keep Samantha with them for the week! So Samantha has had plenty of time with Oma, Papa, Auntie Ju Ju & Uncle Jeff! She has been so good all week...although the first night was pretty bad...she was looking for me all night! Makes me so sad. I miss her running around all over, but I know it was the best thing. I was able to get the house packed up and not have to worry about her getting hurt! So we have the house packed, the moving truck is coming and we are heading back to Chicago tomorrow for good...hopefully!

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