Saturday, March 17, 2012

What a crazy last month

This last month, the kids and I spent in Chicago. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be there and Jim told me to stay as long as I needed to. I orginally went up there to get everyone taxes done and help out my family out. My mom had been in Florida for 6 weeks because my Oma needed help because papa had leukemia and Oma couldn't do everything herself. So I was helping out Julie making dinner at night. While I was there my grandpa was also in the hospital but later released and sent to a rehab facility and is now back home.
On February 20, 2012 around 4pm we got the phone call none of us every wanted to answer. My mom called and told us that Papa had passed. Papa is now home in Heaven with our Lord and Savior. Even though we all knew it was coming it was something none of us could really prepare for. I just never thought when I pulled out of my parents driveway in August, that was going to be a last time I was going to see papa. He was never able to meet Nicholas, but I was able to send many pictures to him while mom was down there and he was able to see them. I am very thankful that Samantha was able to spend time with him this past summer. As we were all crying that afternoon, Samantha asked me why I was crying. I told her that great papa is now in Heaven. Her response to me was, "Great Papa is now with Jesus and God and Mary and Joseph. He got his fairy wings and flew up in the sky." It's awesome the innonance of a 3 year old. If we all could be so happy during time of sorrow. Papa would be 83 on Sunday and Oma & Papa were married for 55 years. Papa I love you always! We have had many good times together! Love you always and forever!

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